Monday, November 3, 2008

Mexico Trip - Oct 18th

So, apparently its been a long while since my last post. I had hit a slump I guess without a lot really happening. One major thing just happened though. I joined a few guys from my church and some that weren't on a short term missions trip to Atizipan Mexico. We were there for 2 weeks and it was simply amazing. I kept a journal while we were there. I tried to do it every night, but while we were in the mountains I got behind a few days so filling in those days was tricky, but I did my best to recall as much as I could. I think that I am going to post those entries onto my blog. To both share with you my experience and also to consider and go over what I experienced. So I hope that this is in the least somewhat interesting, and possibly even helpful or encouraging. I think I'll do one day per post and we'll see if I post one a day or one every other day or what have you. But I will eventually cover the entire 2 weeks. So here we go.

October 18th, 2008

We began our journey at the Regina airport. Our flight took off around 2:00pm and we arrived in Toronto a few hours later. This was my first time flying that I am able to remember. It was good, I was lucky enough to have the window seat and was able to watch the entire take off out the window. It was a fun experience for sure. The speed that the plane accelerates and the rate at which it can gain altitude is awesome. Within minutes cars and trucks became dots and houses became indistinguishable. The landing was also really cool. Approaching the airport over Toronto was a fun sight to see. In Toronto we had about an hour so we grabbed a bite and headed to board the next plane. This flight also went well. Until the landing atleast. I don't know why considering I had no problem with the first landing but I had an episode and passed out as we landed in Mexico. Perhaps due to the higher elevation or a quicker descent. Regardless my very first experience outside of Canada was being escorted off the plane with an oxygen mask and four paramedics. Not including the EMT that came with us. The rest of the night was uneventful as I was in a daze and can't recall a lot. I just remember laying on the van seat and trying hard not to fall off it what with the bumpy, twisting drive. I'm pretty sure that that messed up my back.


Lindsay said...

I'm so excited to hear about your trip. I'm glad to hear that you had a fantastic time. SO proud of you for going!!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness! That sounds like quite the way to kick off your trip.

Anonymous said...

Haha my name is calvin jerk

Will said...

haha, yeah I know your name, I just didn't want people to know I knew you haha :p jk jk