Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Church

The word "church" can have many different definitions. Ask anyone what they think "the church" is and you'll have a lot of differences of opinions to sort through. But what does the bible say? This is what we as a congregation at Rosewood are going to be looking at over the next couple weeks. We started this past weekend and I was asked to write a piece to start of the new series. As I began thinking about it, I became a little disappointed in the "church" these days. I think we've lost the vision that Christ laid out. I know I don't know a whole lot theologically, but well I'll let my piece speak for itself.

The Church

The church, what is it
that quick quip
had me sit quick and think
and what I came up with
were common metaphorical links
and the first goes like this
The church is the body of Christ
well if the church is a body
maybe I'm a vocal box
blessed with a gift to spit
and a talent for talk
words used to encourage or shock
but hold up
I'm getting ahead of myself
the church is the body of Christ
I had to look deeper at that
so back down I sat
and honestly now
I'm a little mad
see upon some inspection
and a little mental reflection
I have come to a conclusion that
my vocal inflection
must mention this question
if the church is a body
why do we seem inflicted with infection
quarantined behind our walls
determined to proudly walk the halls
of a building we claim is the church
but the church ain't stone or wood
or the concrete under foot
its our bones and our flesh
the blood in our veins
and the decision we've made
called to go and make disciples
not come all dressed in nice clothes
and I must say
if the church is a body
why do our hands seem balled into fists
quick to fight and judge
and so slow
to be the physical manifestation
of the holy one above
and simply show the world Christ's love
and why do our feet
seem so prone to run
one pointed to the right
the other pointed to the left
why do our eyes seem blind
and our ears seem deaf
if the church is the body of Christ
we sure seem to have put ourselves
in an ugly mess
so lets take a look at metaphor two
and hope that perhaps we'll have some better success
the church is the bride
and God is her groom
but almost to easily
I spied a problem here too
if we are the bride
are we pure enough to wear white
or even a color
that's similar and light
or do we have the idea
so far out of whack
that the only color we're fit for
is a dress made of black
but the church is the light
you could argue right back
and you might just be right
but what good is a light
when its hidden in the day
and concealed in the night
or what about
the church is the salt
but even in that
I manage to find fault
if salt isn't salty
that metaphors faulty
lets look at it this way
when I was hungry did you feed me
when I was thirsty did you give me drink
when I was a stranger did you shelter me
this is what we should be
not concerned with
whether or not I rock a hat
but concerned with the man at the back
who just happened to come in
convicted of his sin
and looking for help
not looking only towards our next event
but looking at the hungry homeless
and the few dollars we could have spent
or better yet
our time
but we seem scared away
by the dirt and the grime
Jesus led by example
hung with tax collectors and whores
but to some of you
the fact that I just said that
seems to matter more
We need to refocus
cuz many who cry
Lord! Lord!
he won't know us

-William Brown (Aug 2009)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So I was asked to write a piece influenced from the scripture found in 1st Kings 19:4 ( I believe its 4 ). Elijah is sitting under a tree praying for God to take his life. This is what I came up with, I hope that it can be used to give hope to someone who maybe finds themselves in a hopeless state at the moment. Here ya go...

This is a parental advisory
cuz I'm about to undress my heart
and let you see the real me
I'm about to expose my mind
bare my soul
and let you feel me
and there's some probability
that the words that I speak
will leave you angry with me
see there's a possibility
that a condition
that you've managed to keep hidden
is exactly the sickness
I'm expressing in this written
and as I stand here
and spit this so blatantly
it might cause you
to curse under your breath at me
see you might have to put on a happy face
and say things like
that poor boy
I can only imagine what that must taste like
but if you've never felt this stress
if you've never been so utterly hopeless and depressed
that you simply want the rythem in your chest to end then
I've failed that test with flying colors
and I can say with one hundred percent certainty
that I am not alone
there are others
others who have wished to
inhale and exhale their finale
to finally find the footnotes
of their life
and finish their final chapter
others who have dreamed
to be by Gods side
or perhaps I'm putting this to eloquently
and simply should say
who have wished to die
and I admit that I am one of them
I have stared at a blade
and consciously made the decision
to drag it across my flesh
I have considered
at what velocity
to approach an immovable object
in a motorized vehicle
so I would no longer have to feel
and I have debated
as to how far off a recommended dose is
from healing
to killing whats left
I have faced suicide from both sides of the coin
from finding a man that I adore
lying on the floor
gasping for his very breath
to forcefully fighting a knife
from a hand
that begged me to let it stay
I have looked hopelessness
in the eye
one to many times for my liking
and so I stand up here exposed
with this mic
and say to those who know
all to well the pain that flows
from the loss of hope
and say that
you are not alone
we all cling to this iconic imagery
of Christ Jesus
arms spread wide
hanging from a tree
but seem to lose sight
of the hope that this image
is supposed to give
to you and to me
we are not alone.

So there ya have it. Keep in mind its written to be spoken and its hard to write emotion into printed text. I am working on getting an mp3 copy. I'll post if I manage to get one if you're interested.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Space.

Six and a half billion people on this planet
This celestial ball
with only so much land to span it
shared by every nation, culture, creed and race
all vying for their slice
of this relatively small place
clinging to some claim of ownership
grabbing hold of their individuality
with a tightly held grip
Now, I can't speak for theirs
or for yours
but I can speak
for my case
and this
this is my space
so respect it
and in case it was in question
I expect a three foot span
in every direction
I'm talking to you close speakers
unless you have a secret
and its important
I can hear it
from that distance
so quit it
and all you touchy people
this is just a warning
its uncomfortable
not to the point of insufferable
but definitely unenjoyable
so please
stop if your able
Now there are exceptions to every rule
but if you assume that that's true for you
it makes an...
well it makes an angry person outta me
and a fool outta you
now I know I know I'm coming across as rude
or cold or unaffectionate
but lets place a bet on this
if someones up in your face
so close that you can taste
their last meal
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say
you'd feel the same way
but like I said
I can only speak for my case
and this
this is my space
and in case it was in question
I expect some intellectual discretion
when it comes to your expressions
of opinions and reflections on
how I wear the hair on my face
or my style or taste
I'm not some carbon copy trace
of what you think I should be
I am simply and purely me
and maybe you disagree
with the clothes that I wear
or the art my body bares
ask my nicely
and you'll find out
that I really don't care
cuz I cling to that same claim of ownership
and I've got my individuality
by the scruff of the neck
and I'm holding it
I know who I am
and you only have as much influence on that
as I allow you to
from absolutely zero
to the depths of a select few
see I've found my slice
of this small place
it stands about five eight
a buck eighty five is its weight
and its great
to stand here before you
and say
that this
this is my space
can you claim the same.

-William Brown (2008)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Epic Fail.

So apparently I once again dropped the ball on this whole updating thing, I don't have a lot to type, my life isn't overly exciting and I haven't had any deep thoughts to share, so I've decided to just throw a piece I wrote up on here and let ya have a little read.

"Can you hear me now"


my throat is raw
as I continue to yell
unable to tell
I throw up my arms
and throw out my voice
waiting for a hint of a sign
that you hear me

still nothing

and as I feel the sting of defeat
I retreat to a place
dimly lit and secluded
away from prying eyes
and cry
and fall to my knees
with no strength left
to hold my head high

chin to chest
I seek your rejuvinating rest
my voice a mere crack
as one last time I ask
can you hear me now

I sit there in silence
and search my mind
in a feeble attempt to discover
and adequate place to start

I wish I could find
a way to hide what I've done
from your eyes
the damage of lies
and pain caused by pride
but my hands are small


I fall

It's me again
slipped, tripped
fell flat on my face
and in search of a friend

I need you
I can't do this on my own
I'm weak
despite the bright face
and confident words I speak
I'm controlled by fear

and so I release this prayer
with a shed tear
and in my humble silence
you respond
"Now I hear"

-William Brown ( 2008 )

Well Hope you enjoyed it, Perhaps I'll have something to post soon, or maybe it'll just end up being another piece, who knows :p