Sunday, December 30, 2007

A little irritation

So, I was talking with a friend this evening about a movie that she was watching that goes by the name of "Jesus Camp". I have never actually seen this movie, but from what she was saying, I don't think I want to. Apparently it is "crazy right wing evangelical" in her words. Over the top, in your face, condemning people. I don't know about other people, but that is somewhat irritating to me. I don't really want to get into any kind of theological battle with anyone, but it irritates me that its the extremes that the media decides to share with the world. its the soap box screamers and the "Crazy wife-swap" ladies ( if you don't know what I'm talking about, thats ok ) that media decides are a good representation of people of belief. It irritates me that so many people of Christian faith are all over the world doing good works in a much more loving, humble way, but go unnoticed and unrecognized for the works they do. I mean its also good in a way that they aren't covered by the media all the time, because it isn't about the tv time, or how many pages in the paper are dedicated to it. Its just frustrating to me that the few people that do get the media attention seem to have a more so negative effect on people who may be in the midst of searching for God, or those that aren't at that stage. That they see the extremes and it turns them away. It's sad that that type of action seems to be the representation of the people who believe.

I also have an irritation with myself. I'm allowing myself to be irritated by things in the past that should have no place having any effect in my life anymore. I logically know this, and yet am powerless to make it stop. Little things, like hearing a song, or reading something, can trigger a sudden switch from being on the up to becoming bummed out, or even slightly depressed. Logically I can take any thing that causes it, and really the entire situation in general, and nullify it, but Logic isn't helping any and that my friends is frustrating. It's frustrating having no real control over my own emotions. All I can do is hope that eventually I will be completely rid of it, and it will have no emotional tug on me in any direction. In time and prayer. Patience is no fun thing.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nothing is guaranteed

Wow. I know I haven't posted in a while, but I didn't realize that it had been over a month since my last post. As you can tell not a whole lot has been taking place in my life spiritually lately, I've had no epiphany's or major developments. I did however kind of have a wake up call yesterday. Kind of.

Yesterday at work we had an unfortunate event in which a fellow employee lost his life. I didn't know him, he works up front in the sales department and I work in the body shop so our paths didn't cross, but what struck me was that this gentleman was 22 and had a heart attack. That just isn't right. I later found out that he had a weak lung, but none-the-less at 22 a heart attack doesn't even begin to cross your mind. That is, unless you are around that age and you have to go to a company meeting and have a paramedic speak about what happened. It kind of opens your eyes to the idea that once again, nothing in this life is guaranteed. It made me look at myself and my habits. Those of you who know me personally know that I have some poor habits ( for instance my eating habits ) that do nothing to help my health. I was going to make some changes already, but having this happen will hopefully have the impact to actually make me make the changes. I shall be doing my best is all I can say.

I guess that that is about all I have for this post. I hopefully shouldn't take a month to post again, so please, keep checking, taking part in my journey and leaving comments.