Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Change Is In The Air

Apparently people at the church I attend have been noticing a change in me. In the way I carry myself and my outlook. I was made aware of this by our pastor, who apparently has been receiving these comments from both people I know and have known me for a time, and also those who don't really know me. Its encouraging to say the least. I don't overly see a change in myself, but as friends have pointed out thats more then likely because I am within it. Not an outside observer. It's encouraging to know that change is taking place in such a way as to be apparent even to those around me who may not know me or talk to me much if at all. God willing I hope to continue to change and mature in my walk with him. I have a long way to go and so much to learn, but I think for the first time I really have a desire to learn and be used by him.

I feel drawn to ministry within the music. I've been sidelined temporarily for the past few months and not involved at all. The break was nice, and obviously was needed for God to start his work in my life. I enjoyed the break and for a while felt no desire to return to a ministry. Lately however I have felt drawn to get involved musically again. I feel that this is the part of the church "body" that I belong serving. I recently was given the green light to be involved again and am excited for that, but I've also got to wait until I feel ready myself, and I know at this exact moment that isn't the case. How long it will take only God truly knows. It could be a matter of days until I feel like I can be involved again, or it could be much longer. We shall have to see.

I'm also going to breakfast this weekend with our pastor to talk about things. I'm somewhat nervous but more so excited about what he has to say. I think it will be positive, but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't have some fear of what he has to say. Hopefully I will come back with some happy news.

Until then I leave you with this. Trust God. At times it is hard or nearly impossible, but I'm learning that he truly will never leave nor forsake us. We just have to be willing to listen.


Kim said...

I am so glad you are learning more quickly than I did!!

Keep up the (I was going to say good work, but it is more being open and ready to learn). Anyway, keep it up!!

Love you.

Anonymous said...

Great work.