Monday, January 14, 2008

Because I'll never...

"Becuase I'll never hold a picture of the whole horizon in my view, becuase I'll never rip the night in two it makes me wonder, who am I?" ( "Great are you" - DownHere )

The unknown. I wish I could understand and know where my life is going, in what direction I should travel and where I should place my energy. But I don't. My life is basically a stable one. I have a roof over my head and a job that allows me to live a decently comfortable life. Yet I feel...unsatisfied with it. As if all I am doing is drawing breathe for the mere act of doing so instead of for a purpose. I am craving that purpose. I am wanting to see the "whole horizon" to know what that purpose is. If only it were that easy.

I began this blog in conjunction with my attempt to find that purpose. To fix my eyes in the direction that I feel is right and to allow God to show me where to step. I had high hopes of a quick journey. That once I began I could run to the conclusion. It seems however that I will hobble down the path, looking over my shoulder and wondering. Falling on my face and dragging myself to my knees to cry out for direction again and again. I will find the end to this leg of the journey. It just seems that it will not be as easy I set out believing it to be.

Who am I?

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