Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So Tomorrow ( Wed, 5th ) I go under the needles again. I am once again ordaining my body with art. Thats right. It is once again tattoo time. I'm of a somewhat firm belief that tattoos should express something of meaning. This tattoo is of the word "Faith", I think the meaning is pretty self explanatory, sort of. It's a reminder to myself. A reminder that this world isn't a very stable place. That the things we have aren't guaranteed to stick around. The only truly stable thing is God. So I'm getting this permanent addition to continually remind me to trust him. It's a tough lesson to learn, and I'm a slow learner. I figure this way its always right there to remind me when I forget.

Faith itself is a tough concept to wrap my mind around I find. To believe in what you can't see. It's a hard concept I think. I can totally understand why to those that don't believe in God, faith seems like a false concept. I think the best metaphor for it that I've heard was that faith is like the wind. You can't see the wind, just the effects of the wind. Its the same with faith. We may not be able to see what we believe in, but we can see the effects of it. I've seen God do some powerful things, from allowing a women who medically couldn't have children give birth, to a mans blood stream being purged of carbon monoxide poisoning in a time frame that the doctors couldn't understand it possibly happening in. I know he works in peoples lives, and yet at times I find it really hard to have faith. Its bewildering. I can't even really take that any further, because I don't know how to explain what I mean really.

And so I will go back to counting the hours until my skin is pierced again and again and ink flows into the wounds. Until my body is permanently changed. Until I mark this new beginning with an outward example of an inward journey.

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