Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Quarter Note in the Melody of Life

Anyone who knows me knows that music is an important thing to me. I love listening to it, love playing it, and love randomly singing it. It has the power to psych me up, mellow me out, or let me focus. I love hearing things that I haven't heard before. I'll give just about anything a listen. My Itunes is an eclectic catologue of genres and languages.

One Thing that really amazes me is when the lyrical poetry of an artist not only brushes the emotions I'm feeling, but grabs them, rips them open and explores every corner. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. When a piece of music can so intricately express an inner emotion, more so then I can myself, I hold onto it. I'm sure this is extremely common among people as music is such a powerful, global language, but none the less. to sit quietly, eyes closed and listen to the words flow, allowing them to saturate me mentally, takes me to a place that I really can't express.

Worship music specifically is going through a time of evolution for me. I've played guitar and sung on a worship team for many years now. It's always been important to me, but I've stopped playing recently. It was somewhat of a decision between myself and our lead pastor. I guess more accurately it was my decision and his decision individually that just happened to happen at the exact same point in time. It's a somewhat interesting story, but a different story all together from this one. Anyways, Worship has always been important to me, but I think it lost something through the years. I guess its possible that maybe it didn't lose something but rather it never had it. Lately however, it's definitely had something new in the experience. It's no longer just words to a melody, it still is that, but its not JUST that. I'm not just taking part in the process of worship, I'm experiencing it. I can't explain it, and for that I apologize. I can only say that I'm excited for it, and I am striving not to loose it. It's to easy to allow it to be an outward action that has no emotional backing, but I want it to be the opposite. I want it to be an inward emotion that expresses itself outwardly. And if I get back into being on stage leading worship in some form. I hope that I can hold onto that, and not just slide into merely playing the notes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope so too Will. For me some times the music has "it" and some times it doesn't but I try to make myself be worshipping either way. Some times you just have to decide that you are at worship whether you have the 'feeling' or not - just like love some times, it is a decision.