Monday, September 10, 2007

Mountains and Valleys

"We don't grow on the mountain tops, we grow in the valleys". How true are those words. Even in my paraphrased version of the wisdom of another man, words couldn't ring truer. It seems like in the world of believers, we all long for those mountaintop experiences. Those moments where it feels like God is right in front of our eyes, embracing us in his arms. But does growth REALLY happen at those moments? I think it would be foolish to whole heartedly scream no, but I think it would be realistic to say that its the exception, not the rule. Those moments are great reminders. Great prompters. Great feelings. But growth? As I've thought about that quote, I personally, would tend to lean towards no. It takes trials to build character it seems. For whatever reason, it seems that we need to hurt in order to come to a place of true growth. To come to the place where in private we fall to our knees, body shaken by sobs of the heart, fully real with no false face and yearn for God to help us to become better. I know for myself, I'm learning to stop in the valleys, the low times of life, and look around. To allow God to show me what it is I need to see. A Mountain top naturally is a desolate, windswept place. Valleys are lush with vegetation and wildlife.

1 comment:

. . . L O R I . . . said...

i have come to know this as truth - the hardest learned lessons, the one we have cried and kicked our way through are often the sweetest.